Vehicle Access Services

Do you need help with vehicle access?

Understanding the complexities of the NHVR various heavy vehicle access and performance-based systems is one of the more difficult modern-day issues for any transport operator or owner to understand. We at TransCat Solutions understand this and are stepping up to help you get the access you need for your modern fleet of vehicle combinations.

TransCat Solutions can help you with the following:

  • NHVR Portal applications and registration
  • Assessing pre-approved routes for your Vehicle combinations
  • PBS (Performance Based Standards) access
  • IAP (Intelligent Access Program) a specific requirement for some applications
  • NHVR Portal access applications
  • HPFV (Higher Productivity Freight Vehicles) accessadvice
  • OBM (On-board mass) advice
  • Access training and support services
  • Investigate HML (all vehicle configurations) access options for non-approved routes
fverification truck

Realising the benefits of these systems

The benefits of PBS and accredited restricted access vehicles has come a long way since their introduction in 2007 by the NTC (National Transport Commission). PBS vehicles are designed and built to perform their tasks as productively, safely and sustainably as possible, and to operate on networks that are appropriate for their level of performance. They are assessed against stringent safety and infrastructure standards to ensure they are safe and fit for use on existing road networks.

Operators using these vehicles benefit from:

  • Reductions in the amount of load movements required to shift the same tonnage/cubic metres of freight
  • Improved tyre life through the adoption of lift axles and steerable axles
  • Fuel efficiency improvements through less drag and vehicle design
  • Latest technologies with improved safety systems such as, ABS, EBS and OBM
  • Competitor advantage through more adaptive vehicles with higher payloads
  • Improved customer confidence – with knowledge that these vehicles require more stringent guidelines for use and require highly trained operators

Getting the Access You Need

Initially,TransCat Solutions will work with you to clarify your needs. This may result in the operator sorting out their issues with or without TransCat Solutions guidance, or TransCat Solutions being engaged to support the applications process.

TransCat Solutions will:

Ascertain if there are special requirements or further conditions that are required before the application process can continue and advise you of those requirements.

Investigate what access is currently available through the Gazetted road network system in the states you frequent. Once the application process has been completed and the vehicles are approved for use.

Apply for the routes on your behalf or guide you through what is required to make the application yourself, if access isn’t available through the current Gazetted networks.  Once the access application process is underway, we will monitor progress of the application and keep you updated. 

Assist you to implement the permit system into your business and provide on-going training to drivers and support staff so that compliance to the permit conditions can be understood and maintained once routes have been approved.

 Assist your company to remain compliant to the permit conditions through our internal auditing and documentation compliance services

 Assist with any additional access requirements.

Don’t leave your vehicle access to chance, call TransCat Solutions today and ease the compliance burden

Disclaimer: Prices may vary for the services detailed above due to the applicant’s requirements and level of complexity.

Please note: Vehicle access applications incur charges levied by third parties. These are determined by an applicant’s specific requirements and level of complexity.  To the best of its ability, TransCat Solutions will advise you of third-partyrequirements and likely charges as they are identified. All such charges will be for the account of the applicant and payable directly to the third party. Under no circumstances will TransCat Solutions incur any charges on an applicant’s behalf.